Are Your Friends Being Real?

Every single day at a different time, individuals simultaneously receive a distinct tune from their mobile devices. A time-sensitive notification pops up encompassing a yellow hazard sign with the words “Time to BeReal.” A two-minute timer starts where the user must capture their current setting. At that moment, outsiders will witness the strangest behavior overcoming the user. Whether it be yelling “It’s time to BeReal,” or pointing their camera in a very awkward manner, users use their two minutes to capture and post a photo in real-time to BeReal. However, as a social media app, is being real even possible?

The Interface Itself

Founded in France by Alexis Barreyat, BeReal is a social app created in 2019 but only recently gained popularity in 2022. The interface is remarkably simple. At a random time of day, the app notifies users and gives them two minutes to capture a front photo and a rear-facing photo which is then posted and shared with friends. Users can caption their posts, scroll through friends’ posts, comment on posts, and even do an Instant RealMoji. Instant RealMojis is a twist on your typical like

button. It captures your reaction in real-time and uses it as a sticker for your friend’s posts. This allows and encourages users to engage with each other and build genuine relationships, rather than passively consuming content. As you navigate the app there is also an option to discover what other individuals are doing globally. The app is then a discovery of not only “who your friends are” in daily life but also gives an outlook on others’ lives as well.

Authenticity at its Finest

When analyzing BeReal’s description of itself as an interface they claim the app is “A new and unique way to discover who your friends are in their daily life.” This idea is also captured through their slogan “Your friends for Real.” Through these descriptions, the app’s main purpose is to promote authenticity. BeReal is not designed to be a platform for sharing content, it is not designed for political gain or advertisements, nor is it for broadcasting personal information to a large audience. Instead, it is focused on creating a space for authentic and meaningful conversations between users. Furthermore, BeReal has a feature requiring users to post before viewing other BeReals, intending to increase accountability and connectivity. Its message to the user is highlighted through its efforts as an app to create reality. The app does not prioritize metrics such as likes, followers, or shares. Photos are unaltered, unedited, and given an asterisk if they were retaken. Photos taken outside the two-minute time limit are marked with how late they were posted and information such as followers and friends are hidden. The app encourages users to engage in conversations with others and keep updated with friends. In an attempt to be authentic, BeReal is making an amazing effort.

Exposing the idea of Being Real

However, there is a limitation to the idea of being real. In understanding authenticity when it comes to a social media app, there are main shortcomings that prevent the app from being exactly as it advertises itself. The main one revolves around the fact that because it is designed as a social media app, users may feel pressured to present themselves in a certain way. As a user myself, I tend to fall into this shortcoming. BeReal goes o at odd times when users may be in bed or are doing work. There becomes a natural dissatisfaction from realizing that one is continuing to post the same content, in the same setting, for multiple days. The societal pressure to post something interesting to make it seem as if you are not lazy and that you do have a life is still present with the BeReal app. Plenty of users feel pressured to present themselves in a certain way or to conform to social norms. Users often then delay posting within the two-minute time limit until they can capture a more interesting, enhanced version of their daily lives. This limits and prevents some users from fully expressing themselves and being “real.” The app then promotes dishonesty and conformity, starkly countering its message of authenticity.

When further analyzing this factor, the reason the app surged in 2022 rather than when it first came out, is due to this exact pressure of societal norms. When the app was released, there was an immediate shutdown of the nation due to COVID-19. The app was unpopular because everyone was at home 24/7 and no one was doing anything “interesting.”

There then becomes the question of what determines an exciting BeReal. Do parties, sports games, and other social events provide a glimpse into the lives of others, or do they increase the social media eect of self-consciousness among users? As a result, BeReal potentially creates negative mental health eects on users, such as inadequacy about our lives or impressions, and loneliness from the fear of missing out.

Comparing BeReal to Other Apps

Historically, BeReal arose out of discontent with the inauthenticity and toxicity of other social media apps. Therefore, BeReal tried to redo social media. It is advertised as an app that is different from any other social media with an emphasis on no alters and no edited images. In more specific terms BeReal was used as an attempt to “make Instagram casual again,” And remove the fake competitive atmosphere. Despite the platform’s attempts to promote authentic interactions and capture spontaneous moments, users are likely to maintain the trend of presenting an excessively glamorous image of their lives.

The idea of authenticity began with other apps as well. When looking at certain other social media mainstays such as Snapchat’s Stories, in much of the same way BeReal promotes itself now, these stories promoted authenticity at a moment in time. However, as it gained popularity its application and use shifted. For whatever reason, most platforms eventually lose that uniqueness that audiences clamor for.

Finally, in comparison with other apps, BeReal is appealing because of its freedom from ads. While the app does not yet feature any ads, BeReal’s popularity has caught the attention of brands like Elf. Cosmetics, Chipotle, and PacSun have started experimenting with the platform. It seems BeReal is moving towards a similar structure to many other social media platforms.

Conforming to BeReal

BeReal offers a distinctive sense of community for Gen-Z, college students, and young professionals, which is absent in other social media platforms. Its significant ability for users to highlight their ordinary daily routine typically goes unnoticed on other social media apps like

Instagram. BeReal places a strong emphasis on authenticity and encourages users to be themselves without using any lters. However, despite its promotional content, BeReal only partially solves the problem of insincere and articial representation on social media. Additionally, the longevity of the platform’s popularity depends heavily on the continued use of the platform by users’ friend groups and peers.

So, to answer the question previously asked, is being real even possible? Yes, it could be.

Depending on your followers and your friends that you have within the app BeReal might just be the change that you are looking for. However, in the end, BeReal is just like your typical Instagram or Snapchat.

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