Rooted in Resilience

I hate the sight of blood

The sanguine drops of opaque crimson scarlet

Drops that course their way through the barrier of the skin

That trail that binds to that specific shade of red

I hated the way that it meant I was punctured

Flesh purged by the light of day

The way that it exposed what lies beneath the surface

Maybe not exposed but revealed,

Maybe it opens

Or maybe it is exposed

But definitely wounded

I hated the sight of blood

The red color

Skin exposed

revealing what lies beneath

Under the surface

It should stay below the surface

Because when I see the sight of my blood

My stomach drops

I blame it on my anemia

Because it’s not my fault my ancestors

couldn’t get their bodies to make that shade of red on the inside

because they were forced to show it on the out

I know I inherited it from my ancestors

My ancestors who were tired

and my ancestors who were weak

As they were depleted of the second most traded commodity after oil

They lacked iron

My ancestors were told they lacked iron

Their bodies lacked iron

The commodity that depleted their basic human rights

The way that they didn’t have enough money to invest in the iron

I know my ancestors had the wound of sacrifice

a wound that wouldn’t stop bleeding

I am a product of my ancestors

Their origins cascading down my arms



I search for the origin of my name

All I find are stories ending in bloodshed

Most people go through life with blood stored inside them

Mine escaped,

leaving me a trail of tears to trace

Even if I never find origins,

My body speaks ancestral languages

My body speaks in blood loss and blood inherited

My body is bounded by the west to the Red Sea

Cultivated by the coastal plain

to the highest terraces of steep mountains

My blood flows through the Rich green valleys

threaded by streams of sparkling water

Where the Golden sand seeps through the crevasse of the feet with each step taken

My blood speaks resistance

as the people’s screams of solidarity echo into the ears of their brothers and sisters who are facing oppression

My blood is in the streets demanding Justice

My blood is in the streets demanding Justice

My blood is more than just what courses through my veins.

It’s a testimony to my existence

My body speaks in blood loss

My body speaks in bloodshed

My body speaks in blood-inherited

My body speaks in blood loss bloodshed and blood inherited

But I hate the sight of my blood

Bc If the white man knew what secrets my blood holds

he will try to take that away from me

My blood is present on the lands of my people and the hands of the white man

My blood is present on my land

I bathed in this land

I was born in this land

I gave birth to this land

You can take my blood




let you

take my soul

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